Saturday, February 27, 2010

Be inspired!

The other day, I was at a retail store (on visit) when I heard someone saying "Sachin ne do so mara!"

I got into the car and the radio was all praise for the Master Blaster. Reaching home, my wife was excited about the feat, some also mentioned on Facebook. I asked my wife whats the big deal about and then realised the facts!

For the next few days, I kept reading about Sachin in the papers and as usual was in awe with the genius. I always have regarded him as a legend. Nevertheless, all the articles inspired me.

Many such events are inspiring to us, sometimes even forwarded emails (one of my friends keeps mailing really good ones)

I guess we all need inspiration from events around us, they help us ward of the negative and accept the positive in the universe which helps us be better than what we were yesterday.

With the world around crying for saving the planet, better budgets, etc, we also draw inspiration from some events in life which keep us happy and going on.

The next time you bump into something like this......... be inspired!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Welcome back to me!

Been out of action for sometime. But have something to share with you.

We celebrated our first wedding anniversary on 14th Feb! It was fun, adventure and loads of love at Ganapatipule, a beach near Ratnagiri.

Our trip started with "adventure". Our tickets didnt get confirmed and we rushed to the bus terminal after office. Paid an insane amount for an 8 hour journey in a non ac bus to Ratnagiri and finally were off at 11 in the night.

But it was worth the effort after seing the untouched beach. It had a calming effect and gave us a breather from the city.

The joy of being together with the beach was something we cherished a lot. And ofcourse there was good food and some shopping as well.

Marriage made us discover our own space and still be together, care not just for yourself but for your partner as well and above all have patience and give time for the relationship.

All in all, dont let the maddening pace of the city overtake your relationship. As its the only one you cherish the most!

Being together away from the city, from everything ........we cherished love!