Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Republic Day

The very fact that we cry out that corruption is eating the roots of our country, makes me think who is spreading it in the first place. The politicians comes the answer, the police, the government etc.

Not the people? This calls for some thinking.The politicians are elected by us. We do have a say in elections.

Corruption is eating the roots, maybe something can be done at the grass root level.Maybe a simple resolve, a small step this year on a personal front can be a start. No I am not talking of entering into politics, but maybe we can make a small resolution to curb corruption this whole year (be less corrupt ourselves); by not paying the Rs. 50 "kharcha paani" to the traffic cop when he stops us for jumping the signal, but asking for a proper fine receipt and paying it, by not bribing the TC for not having a valid ticket in the train, by not bribing the system.

Liked the Tata tea ad which says "Log khaate hai kyoki hum khilate hain!"

Happy Republic Day.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I have bought a new car u know!

The other day I was in chat with one of my colleagues.... he tries to balance his work and personal life and is content with what he has got. An engineer from UDCT, he got into textiles and now is with us doing training (he likes to share gyan I guess) and also follows his passion for photography.

He mentioned of an incident where one of his batchmates spoke to him about his new Honda city.... the latest one which he bought for 11 lacs. My friend knew where he was getting to as he has delibrately not purchased a car for himself. Staying in Colaba it doesnt make sense to have a car and drive to office in Goregaon. Instead he got himself a scooty which he uses to travel around his house. Coincidentally his friend also lives in Colaba and has office at andheri. He got the car but cannot drive in the traffic. Then why did he get it, my friend asked him. I think we know the answer.

We become happy by material gains, by showing off. But this is temporary and we soon will hear the guy buying something else to make him happy. My friend is happy with his scooty and merrily shoots butterflies in his backyard. I saw the pictures and quite liked them (The ones you see here are his)

Guess we need to choose our path to happiness wisely.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Do we know what we want

Just been thinking lately of this question. With the rigmarole of life as we know, we seem to be lost in between flight schedules and meetings, getting the latest gizmos and going to mindless parties.

But then we cant give these up so easily can we. I mean what will our peers think of us, we arent cavemen but an evolved civilisation and are expected to "develop" ourselves everyday. Keep abreast of the newest things and be the best.

Somewhere we lose perspective and blindly believe in the life we are living currently.

The recent economic crisis maybe of some help here. People have started realising that moderation is what is called in for not mindless spending.

For me the only purpose of lifeis to be happy without harming others (I mean Laden will be happy if he could wipe out USA, but thats not the point).

And you dont need much to be happy. You have enough if you question yourself and realise that the rest is a byproduct of the work you do. Work again should make you happy rather than look like a chore. Its boring to be in a place for 12 hours where you dont like what you do.

We all have choices in life and have the liberty to chose. Chose to be happy.

But do we know what we want to be happy. Or is it external influence that makes us think we would be happy by the way we live.

Its good to have the best in life provided we dont get consumed by that thought everytime.

I guess we all need to find our own balance in life to know what we want..... to stay happy.

Hope we find it and those who have already, maintain it this year.

Wishing you a Happy 2010.