Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Republic Day

The very fact that we cry out that corruption is eating the roots of our country, makes me think who is spreading it in the first place. The politicians comes the answer, the police, the government etc.

Not the people? This calls for some thinking.The politicians are elected by us. We do have a say in elections.

Corruption is eating the roots, maybe something can be done at the grass root level.Maybe a simple resolve, a small step this year on a personal front can be a start. No I am not talking of entering into politics, but maybe we can make a small resolution to curb corruption this whole year (be less corrupt ourselves); by not paying the Rs. 50 "kharcha paani" to the traffic cop when he stops us for jumping the signal, but asking for a proper fine receipt and paying it, by not bribing the TC for not having a valid ticket in the train, by not bribing the system.

Liked the Tata tea ad which says "Log khaate hai kyoki hum khilate hain!"

Happy Republic Day.


  1. Dude, these are just small fish. How do you curb the big fish. What would you do if you want something to be done in a specific time and the goverment officer is not ready to budge unless u bribe him. Not that i am in favor of corruption, but the fact remains that you have to make your hands dirty if you are remove this evil from its roots.

  2. Very correct buddy. But a start needs to be made , even if it is small. We can do something which is in our hands.

  3. Its the whole system... and we are part of it... agreed..period..
    sam - its a small fish as an example.. there are various things that we can do to change the system.. it is something in our culture that is stopping us to react in certain ways necessary to change the system..

    just a little digression: another example:
    Mac-D burgers follow certain standards globally.. if you ask for a burger.. that burger has to happen for you in your name.. it happens everywhere except india.. why because people just dont seem to wait.. always in a hurry.. especially in a city like mumbai.. this is common.. and what do they get.. some burger / fries which has been made before some time and people just have it... think about it...
    i personally ask them to give me a fresh one- they ask me to wait-i wait-and get a fresh one..

    i remember my bro paying a hawaldar 5 bucks - just 5 bucks for breaking the law..

    tell me one thing.. do you follow your civilised habits in US when you have to cross the road? if yes, do you follow the same thing here? most probably its a yes for the former and no for the latter?

    its us only us who can change.. we have the education that has been ingrained to us, but nothing stops us from being hypocritical and adjusting to needs as per our own convenience..

    i would recommend you read something from APJ Kalam's book- i dont remember the name.. where he dreams of better india.. there he has mentioned about these things what we follow outside and what we follow when in india...

    mehul-least i can do is accept the fact that i am hypocritical as per my convenience..

    btw- i do follow to get a 'pawthi'
