Sunday, September 12, 2010

What a weekend!

Ganpati Bappa Morya, Eid Mubarak and Michhami Dukadam to all!

Yesterday was a special day as we celebrated all the 3 ocassions on one day. 3 religions celebrated their fest on one day. I guess the Gods also want to be celebrated in oneness. Cliched it may sound but seems all Gods are one

Or was it a 3 in one type of offer from the Gods (cant help thinking this way since I am in retail for quite sometime now:)) You save on time, celebrate with more friends Hindus, Muslims and Jains and have triple the fun ! WOW!

Maybe we all want a single God, be hassle free from the questions that keep popping in the media on religion be free to worship whoever we want, God or Godmen ( Aaj Tak and Headlines today have made us beware of them). Chose your Godman wisely the channels said. Can we also choose our God.

All in all one God for all would be a nice idea :)

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